Recovering From Trauma: A Journey with Trauma-Informed Therapy in San Mateo
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Recovering From Trauma: A Journey with Trauma-Informed Therapy in San Mateo

Trauma can leave deep scars on our hearts and minds, but with the right support, healing is possible. At Liberty Through Therapy, we understand the complexities of trauma and offer specialized trauma-informed therapy in San Mateo to guide you on your path to healing. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of trauma-informed care and how it can support your journey towards recovery and resilience.

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Is Grief Counseling in California the Answer to Overcoming Loss?
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Is Grief Counseling in California the Answer to Overcoming Loss?

In the wake of loss, many individuals find themselves grappling with overwhelming emotions and struggling to find a way forward. How can one navigate the turbulent waters of grief and emerge on the other side with a sense of peace and acceptance? This is where grief counseling steps in, offering a beacon of hope and support in the midst of darkness.

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Loss Counseling in San Mateo- Does it Really Help in the Long Run!
Kappa Access Kappa Access

Loss Counseling in San Mateo- Does it Really Help in the Long Run!

No matter what, dealing with loss is never. Be it the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or other life-altering changes, it can be an isolating and overwhelming experience. Many individuals grapple with the question of whether counseling can truly alleviate the weight of loss and provide a path toward healing. In this onsite blog, we'll explore the realm of loss counseling in San Mateo, what it entails, and how it can realistically meet expectations.

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This Mindset Will Guarantee Breakthrough in Therapy
Minjun Wang Minjun Wang

This Mindset Will Guarantee Breakthrough in Therapy

People counseling / therapy services for lots of reasons: relationship issues, grief and loss, addiction, work stress, traumas, mood disturbances, life transition…..The list can go on and on and on.

All of these can eventually boil down to one simple statement, “I want something better” or “I want to work things out.”

Sounds extremely simple and legit, right? Anyway, who didn’t want to live a better life?

Unfortunately, many people tend to overestimate how much they are ready for positive changes they want in life (emotionally). Or they might have underestimated how much a commitment they signed themselves up for.

Yes, we all know that wanting better things is one thing, but doing what it takes to GET THEM is quite another.

For example……

—— Are you willing to let go of a fun party because you need time to study for better school grades (assuming you can’t do both at the same time) ?


—— Are you willing to follow your doctor’s health advice by walking away from the old but unhelpful habits?


—— Are you willing to review your own inventory or clear your side of street when working on your relationships?


—— Are you willing to confront what held you back (fear, excessive guilt, rescue fantasy, etc.) when trying to set and uphold healthy boundaries with yourself and others?


All the satisfied clients of mine, before they achieved their breakthroughs in therapy, were all challenged by similar concerns.

Of course, they tried to avoid the pain of changing because walking away from their comfort zone takes so much strengths, faith and courage that they thought they did not possess.

Second comes a question regarding what to let go of.

Anyone who had experienced house cleaning will find it understandable. In order to make our homes/offices nice and tidy, the first thing to do is decluttering rather than decorating. Without tossing what’s no longer needed, the project will not get a kick start.

The same holds true for you.

Drunk food, unhealthy life style, harmful behavioral patterns, unhelpful mindset, outmoded coping mechanism, unresolved business/traumas/losses, codependency, fear, anxiety, painful hopelessness, depression……Whatever held you back from living a full life could be on this to-go list.

Third, consider what to keep for the future.

We are not living in an all-or-none world. Many desirable attributes are likely to pose challenges to our health and relationships when we practice it with rigidity, out of balance or without discretion. For example, if someone values work to a harmful extend, he/she may be at risk of becoming a workaholic.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that s/he had to go to another extreme to work on life-work imbalance. So don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Like what many of my clients told me, it is easier said than done when trying to figure out how to build a new/better life.

Therefore, for those who find it hard to work on their concerns/issues, seeking professional help can be necessary, appropriate and beneficial.

(I am very interested in knowing what you think of this topic. Please feel free to share with me and post them in comment box. Thanks! I see you soon.)

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